UN Promotes Controls for Some, Opposes Controls for Others

UN Promotes Controls

UN PROMOTES CONTROLS: Now certain governments want to impose controls on churches and NGOs that challenge their policies. For instance, the Belize government wants to push through an omnibus bill for regulating such groups. Why? Ostensibly  to reassure the UN that Belize is fighting money laundering and terrorism-financing. But Belize’s Financial Intelligence Unit has not accused a single church or ministry of any such thing.

So after meeting with church leaders, the government says it will ease the more draconian provisions. Yet many regulations will remain, they say, or else international organizations will blacklist Belize. That would make it hard for Belize to have outside banking relationships and unfettered trade. Why then did the UN have the opposite policy with Nicaragua last year?

Nicaragua’s crackdown

The UN castigated Nicaragua’s 2022 law against money-laundering and terrorism-financing. The UN said, “its provisions make it more difficult for non-governmental organizations to register, require them to seek Government approval for their activities, and impose new reporting constraints, including detailing sources of funding, financial statements, activities and beneficiaries. In addition, the law prohibits NGOs from conducting political proselytizing..” In other words, such groups must wrestle with more red tape but can’t speak on vital political issues.

Already, before 2022, Nicaragua had shut down hundreds of organizations. Now the UN is calling for Nicaragua to restore them. But the UN at the same time is promoting red tape that hampers organizations in places like Belize. Pray that God binds the enemy’s works instead and continues the good works that He has begun.


Official White house Photo by Shealah Craighead, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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