Nation-changing Coups Favored by 23% of Latin Americans

NATION-CHANGING COUPS FAVORED. Twenty-three percent of Latin Americans support “executive coups”, according to the Latin American Public Opinion Project—if such coups give their leaders power to solve vital issues. The issues include crime, poverty, food insecurity and corruption.

On September 30, Peru provided a dramatic example of this trend. President Martin Vizcarra dissolved Peru’s congress. He did so after the congress had blocked his anticorruption measures for four months. In response, many legislators refused to exit the Legislative Palace.

But a growing crowd gathered outside to demand that they leave. The legislators finally complied. As a result of his move, President Vizcarra’s approval ratings jumped from 40 to 75 percent.

The success of the crowd’s pressure illustrates another trend. People are more willing to agitate in the streets until the desired change actually takes place. Not only in Hong Kong, France and Venezuela, but also recently in Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala and Puerto Rico, we see masses demonstrating against their government not once, but day after day, week after week, month after month, or even year after year.

Autocratic rule and mob rule vs. democracy

We can agree with their ends, especially if they seek democracy and freedom of religion. But we must take into that both autocratic rule and mob rule defy democratic processes and, ultimately, individual freedoms.

In fact, the same Latin American Public Opinion Project found that 39+ percent were dissatisfied with how democracy was operating in their nation. Furthermore, of the 20 nations surveyed, only 3 trusted the democratic US more than communist China. That number has dropped from 14 trusting the US more in 2012.

We can easily find fault with constitutional democracy. Its checks and balances slow and sometimes stop the progress of desired political change. But its stability and protections for individual freedom favor the spread of the gospel. We must pray for such a peace that allows God’s people to increase and multiply unhindered:

“…that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim 2:2-4, NIV).

The tyranny of either the state or the mob will always threaten those who choose to live for Christ.

Hastening the day

As the end times approach, events will accelerate more rapidly. Most people will lose patience with democratic processes altogether. Worldwide war, famine and pestilence (Rev. 6:3-8) will compel them to make desperate choices just to survive. Unfortunately, most will eventually choose the Antichrist to deliver them from evil. But he will plunge them into far more evil than they have ever known.

In this way, anti-democratic movements are hastening the coming of the Antichrist. Instead of following such crowds, we must live “lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God” (2 Pet. 3:11-12, RSV).

 Click here to see how to pray about this.

DailyInsight. If free governments don’t enforce laws protecting the rights of the free, they will be overcome by lawless tyrants who will enforce tyrannical laws (see 1 Kings 21).

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Related sources for Nation-changing Coups Favored:

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Keyword: Nation-changing Coups Favored