George Ferrar, MDiv

    Preparing overcomers for end-time events

      George Ferrar, MDiv

      Preparing overcomers for end-time events

      END-TIMES GUIDE INTRO : We want to provide you with answers from the Bible on end-times events and how our times relate to the end times. In whatever trial you face now or in the future, Jesus wants to make you an overcomer.

      He says “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 14:31). With Jesus, we can face any trial in the world with calmness, courage and assurance of ultimate victory.

      Too often end-times social media groups and websites take a sensational and hysterical approach toward current and end-times events.  Yet Jesus Himself warned against such an attitude, even during war and calamity.

      “You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.  But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs” (Mt. 24:6-8).

      What must happen before then end times come

      Jesus says the end will not come until every people-group (Greek ethnos) on earth has heard the gospel of the kingdom (Mt. 24:14). Wycliffe Bible Translators estimates that 2 billion people have never even heard the name of Jesus. About 2000 languages are waiting for a Bible translation project to begin.

      Many things must happen before the end-times come. But they may happen quickly. We must learn to recognize the signs of the coming end times and the order in which they occur.

      On our Home page, End-Times Guide shows three overall time-frames of end-times events. You can also see next to the Home page video, the three crucial questions people ask about those time-frames—about where we are now on the end-times calendar, about the Tribulation, and about those left behind. Below those questions, we show five major events in each time frame.

      We follow the timeline Jesus gave in Matthew 24, which also fits the Book of Revelation timeline. Feel free to explore our site, search the Scriptures, and ask questions. As Jesus promised us, “…seek, and you will find” (Mt. 7:7).

      Click here to see End-Times Topics, which follows this End-Times Guide Intro.

      Related resource:

      The Book of Revelation (The New International Commentary on the New Testament)—Robert H. Mounce