ABOUT END-TIMES GUIDE: Welcome to End Times Guide. Here you can learn about future prophesied events and where they fit on the end-times calendar. You can also follow updates on current events that lead up to the first signs of the end-times. God is arranging these events to prepare the way for a new era—the Millennium ruled by Christ—and then the new heaven and earth (Rev. 20-22).

See ETG intro video

I’m George Ferrar, founder of End-Times Guide. I also serve as Chairman of the Belize District Chapter of the National Evangelical Association of Belize, and Director of Belize Prayer Network.

Since earning an MDiv at Gordon-Conwell Seminary in 1993, my love for the Word of God has led me on a long journey toward understanding—and preparing for—end-time events.

Up to fourteen percent of Scripture concerns those times. The more we can account for every end-times Scripture, the truer and fuller our view of the end times will be (see Acts 20:27).

End-times calendar

You can see the basics of our timeline by scrolling down on our Home page. There you will find 3 major time frames. Also, each of the time frames includes 5 key phases, which you can click on to learn more. Some phases overlap. And each phase includes many end-time events.

To see a fuller calendar, click Timeline & Charts, and scroll down.

If you have any questions, email me at george@endtimesguide.org. Because questions lead us to a greater understanding of the wonderful ways in which the end-times prophecies fit together.

Preparing for the end times

You and your church can get ready to reap great harvests of souls whenever God shakes the earth. Jesus said of such shakings, “…those things must take place, but that is not yet the end…all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs” (Mt. 24:6-8; see Lk. 21:10-11).

The Coronavirus plague was a birth pang. More birth pangs will come with increasing frequency and intensity. Moreover, God uses these birth pangs shake unbelievers from their false dependencies on the world, so that they will turn to Him.

You can prepare now to win these souls for Christ during such challenging times. So find out how you—and your church—can find your role in the Great Commission in our 8-minute video Rescue Operations Will Grow Churches During Disasters.

For we must fulfill the Great Commission before the end comes. “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Mt. 24:14).

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Click here for Timeline & Charts.

Related resource:

The Book of Revelation (The New International Commentary on the New Testament)—Robert H. Mounce

Keyword: About End-Times Guide.