Worship Sparks Revival Meetings: Asbury & Belize

worship sparks revival meetings

WORSHIP SPARKS REVIVAL MEETINGS. Now students at Asbury can join with one or more others to testify of Christ in teams. In this way they are sharing their revival experiences in churches across the nation. As they do, they often see “worship times extend beyond their normal expectation,” says Asbury Associate Dean Greg Haseloff. Such “Outpouring Teams” are growing in confidence to share the Great Commission. Haseloff says they are meeting with the growing “desire of churches to experience a move of God.” Asbury Strategic Communications Director Abby Laub adds, “We are receiving requests from all over. And it’s beautiful to see how God is still moving through this.”

The Outpouring Teams consist of pairs or groups of Asbury students and faculty. Jesus also sent out His disciples two by two with the gospel of His kingdom. Asbury calls these teams “Outpouring Teams.” In the same way, Jesus told His disciples that they would receive power when He poured out His Spirit on them. “And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea & Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

I got saved at an Easter Sunday service which I had attended only for the sake of a friend. That day he insisted on going to church for the first time in a long time. Expecting that nothing would happen, I went with him to help ease his disappointment. Instead, I got radically saved by just hearing people worship Jesus from sincere and grateful hearts. God Inhabits the praises of His people! {Ps. 22:3). At Asbury, thousands encountered God in worship. But this can happen anywhere people make room and time for Him. I am encouraging Belizeans to do so and I am encouraging you. For the sake of getting more saved like me.

Belize’s Holy Week Revival

And in fact many did get saved in Belize City last week at the Holy Week Revival at Digi Park. Many thousands attended that multi-band worship outdoor event. Sinach, songwriter of “Way Maker”, came from Nigeria to be the headliner. Minister of Religious Affairs Henry Charles Usher said, “I haven’t seen a crowd this big ever before.” Both he and Mayor Bernard Wagner declared that Belize is a Christian nation. Mayor Wagner himself originated this faith-and-family worship event. He said we needed it to thank God for bringing us through the pandemic and Hurricane Lisa.

3,500 people gave laudatory comments on the Holy Week Revival FB page. Some were prayers and declarations that revival would spread all over the country. So manifest Yourself here Lord, now Lord! For only Jesus can answer our hearts’ cry.


Photo by Laura Stanley on Pexels

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Related sources for worship sparks revival meetings:

3 hour Belize video https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=search&v=534465132184961

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