US-China Cold War Takes Shape in Latin America

us china cold war takes shapeUS-CHINA COLD WAR TAKES SHAPE. A cold war is growing between the US and China over their influence in Latin America. Socialist Venezuela has faced US condemnation for its repressive and dictatorial regime. But China has supported Venezuela with technology for surveillance systems. The US chastised Bolivia’s Evo Morales for promoting coca and thus boosting cocaine production. But China turned a blind eye to the illegal drug trade and helped prop up Morales economically.

In general, China is selling billions of dollars of its goods and technology to South America. Now China is increasingly throwing its weight around in Central America. It has persuaded Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama to stop recognizing Taiwan. Thus these nations have become China’s partners, further straining their relations with the US.

As a result, China rewarded Nicaragua with aid for housing for “tens of thousands of families.” But it said nothing of Nicaragua’s rigged November elections or its crackdown on protesters. Also, China has donated $500 million to El Salvador for projects like a 50,000-seat sports stadium. But it has not objected to the purging of judges and prosecutors critical of El Salvador’s regime.

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele has called himself “the coolest dictator in the world.” He has also praised the authoritarian regime of Chinese President Xi Jinping. In turn, Chinese Ambassador Ou Jianhong has expressed her “greatest respect” for him.

Democracy vs. tyranny

The US has long supported democracies in China’s backyard, such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. Now China is supporting tyrannies in the US’ backyard. The fact that China won’t comment on internal affairs encourages more tyrants to arise.

So far in Central America, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras have resisted China’s advances. They still recognize Taiwan. But has China gained enough global support to invade Taiwan without significant resistance?

If so, will China stop there? Or will it encroach on democracies in its own backyard and elsewhere? It certainly appears to rising in worldwide economic and political dominance. We must pray that God will arise through the oppressed but still-growing church in China instead.

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Keyphrase: US China cold war takes shape