Ten National Essentials in a Constitution

ten national essentials

TEN NATIONAL ESSENTIALS. The Christians in Belize have only five weeks to learn constitutional issues before taking a survey on them. Then in early Sept., statisticians will compile the results for the People’s Constitutional Commission. The more Christians fill them out, the more weight Christian positions will carry before the PCC.

So it’s time for Christian pastors and leaders to inform their people on the constitutional issues. Last night, the church representative on the PCC, Maria Zabaneh, informed the pastors and leaders. Yet many more intercessors showed up at the meeting than pastors! So why not make the most of our intercessors to pray for more pastors to get involved?

While they do, we have a way of making the thorny constitutional issues easier to handle. By cutting them down to their essentials and lifting them up to God in prayer. For that reason, we are preparing for pastors & leaders two major issues per Sunday to teach and pray for. Even if each church only prays for five minutes a week, it can go a long way for generations.

This coming Sunday, July 23, let’s pray for two provisions that evangelicals want to keep in our Constitution.


The present Constitution begins this way: “Whereas the people of Belize affirm that the Nation of Belize shall be founded upon principles which acknowledge the supremacy of God.” If we remove the supremacy of God, we remove the blessing of God on Belize. So we plan to make billboards on the topic available to the churches. In our attorney Dickie Bradley’s plainspoken words it will say: “Take the supremacy of God out of Belize, and the devil will come in!” For God’s word on this, see Mt. 28:18; Col. 1:16-18; Dan. 7:13; etc.


The present Constitution also affirms “the equal and inalienable rights with which all members of the human family are endowed by their Creator.” Can we let Belize take away rights that our Creator gave us? If we do, some government may let unbelievers claim rights to shut us up and make us do their will instead. God-given rights in the first paragraph of our present Constitution include: Rights to life, liberty, personal security, and legal protection for family life, privacy and property. For God’s word on this, see Ex. 20:13-17; Mt. 20:14-15; Rom. 13:3-10.


Photo by Gotta Be Worth It: https://www.pexels.com/photo/granite-statue-of-civil-rights-movement-leader-against-overcast-sky-5214881/


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