Rude Awakenings Make Us Sober Enough to Overcome

Rude Awakenings Make Us Sober

RUDE AWAKENINGS MAKE US SOBER. The apostle Paul connects the end-time “day of the Lord” with living in His day all the time. And he contrasts it with living in the night the way unbelievers do (1 Thess. 5:2-8). They say “Peace & safety!” because they live in the night all the time. They don’t see the dangers we see because we live in the day.

So on them “destruction will come…suddenly like labor pains.” But believers are “sons of light and sons of day, so let us not sleep as others do.”

For years we have been longing for an awakening, a revival across the land in a great move of God. Like the Toronto Revival of the 90s, or awakenings in different places about 15 years ago. They featured long services, nonstop worship, miracles, and laughing in the Spirit as in Ps. 126. Or getting drunk in the Spirit as in Acts chapter 2.

In general, participants were escaping the pains of earth and receiving the joy of the Lord and of heaven. We need the joy of the Lord because it’s our strength. But our strength to do what? To face the pains and the evils of the earth, and to heal and overcome them.

If we see awakening as only getting drunk in the Spirit, we will miss the awakenings God is sending now. Rude awakenings of getting sober in the Spirit. For “those who get drunk get drunk at night. But since we are of the day, let us be sober” (verses 7-8).

Overcoming evils with good

In only the past few years, God has allowed such rude awakenings as:

–Teachers teaching little kids different kinds of sex and trying to change their sex.

–Doctors (like Fauci) preventing virus preventions and promoting vaccines & expensive untested drugs that caused death and disease (like myocarditis) on a massive scale.

–Crowds of people all around the world cheering on terrorists worse than ISIS.

–Social media censoring us for speaking truths on these issues from the bestselling book of all time.

But that same book warns us people will one day get “drunk on the blood of the saints” (Rev. 17:6). They will put a price on our heads and reward our persecutors. Before that happens, we’d better sober up and warn them away from broad paths leading to destruction.

And we need to do so armed with “the breastplate of faith and love” (verse 8). Faith and love that’s strong enough to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the enemy. Whether they be cancellations or condemnations or persecutions. Strong enough to speak the truths of the Bible in love. And to overcome evil with good. Just as Jesus has overcome the world, we can take heart from Him. Amen.


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Photo by Peter Adrienn pexels my-love-15640620

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