Normal-Crazy vs. Right-Left—The New Culture War

normal-crazyNORMAL-CRAZY. Sarah Huckabee Sanders summed up the real state of the union last week. The right vs. left conflict in the US culture wars has turned into a normal vs. crazy conflict. Because not many years ago both right and left agreed that men and women were different. That children should grow up as male and female without pressure to have sex or to change sex. And that content of character and track record qualified you for promotion, not victimhood. To think otherwise was crazy.

Now to think otherwise is mandatory. Normal has become forbidden. Normal can cause you to lose your job or your social media following. Or land you in prison.

If you fail to affirm someone’s sex change or imagined sex, you can be canceled or prosecuted. But if you affirm someone’s biological sex, the same can happen. Conversion therapy has become illegal in many places, even for those who want their born-sex affirmed. If someone wants to change into a male or female, woke culture calls that good. If someone wants to stay male or female, woke culture calls it evil and illegal.

Woke does worse

Therefore woke culture must assume that sex changes are good and biological sex is evil. Soon it will seek to ban Genesis 1, which calls the way God created us very good.

Recently I shared with our Belize Minister of Religious Affairs that Romans 1 shows the depths of depravity. Not only to do “every kind of wickedness” but to “approve of those who practice them”  (Rom. 1:29-32). But woke culture does worse than that. It forces everyone to approve of its depravity or else be attacked.

When Lot pleaded with Sodomites not to rape his guests, they said “we will treat you worse than them.” That’s where woke culture is going. The Bible says, “Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid [read “crazy”] arguments.” Instead hope and pray “that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will” (2 Tim. 2:23,26).


Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

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