“Christian Nationalist” Label Unites Some, Divides Others

Christian nationalist label

CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST LABEL. Do I call myself a Christian? Yes. Do I call myself a nationalist? Especially as opposed to a globalist—yes. Does that make me a Christian nationalist? Yes, but not in the way that the label now signifies.

Because labels produce stereotypes. And no one likes to conform to—or be regarded as—a stereotype. The woke stereotype of a Christian nationalist is a violent reactionary against non-Christians & globalists.

For instance, missionary Sean Feucht calls himself a Christian nationalist without apology. Does he want to see Christians become involved in politics? Of course. He and countless others want to unite Christians to witness to Jesus’ ways in the nation and the world. “How can Christians complain and whine about how dark, corrupt and crooked the political realm is,” he says, “if we aren’t bringing the light and hope of Jesus to it?”

In the same way, many Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc., want to see people of their religion in politics. Does the woke left want to deny us our constitutional freedom of religion? Yes. That’s what the derogatory use of the label “Christian nationalism” amounts to.

Do all things for the sake of the gospel

Sadly, many Christians who fear that label that label shun and divide from Christians who don’t. Because they think it means that Christians who govern should deprive others of freedom of religion. Which Christian leaders today really believe that? Very few. On the contrary, we came to Christ by choice, not force. By grace, not by law. And we want to promote that same choice to others.

It doesn’t mean forcing people to be like us. Quite the opposite. The missionary Paul said, “I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some. I do all things for the sake of the gospel” (1 Cor. 9:22-23). All things include every sphere of society, including government. Let’s not allow woke stereotypes to divide us. But instead pray for and support Christians who act as missionaries in all walks of life.


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