Capitol Breach Questions Needing Answers

Capitol Breach Questions Needing AnswersCAPITOL BREACH QUESTIONS NEEDING ANSWERS. The day after it happened, I promoted a non-partisan investigation into the cause of the dangerous and senseless Capitol breach. Instead, we saw the widespread shutting down of conservative social media accounts. And the mainstream media narrative dominated the airwaves, blaming Trump and his supporters. It suppressed or rejected evidence of any other account—of events that Trump himself rightly called heinous.

But what if Trump supporters at the Save America Rally didn’t cause the breach?

Video footage shows police cars escorting three buses of Ant*fa members into the rally (15:25 on video). Other videos show police opening barriers to the Capitol grounds and letting protesters inside (2:10). One officer was waving protesters through (1:16).

Photos show that inside the Capitol, a bare-chested man with a head-piece of horns posed with an Ant*fa supporter (19:00 on the video). For evidence of his Ant*fa affiliation, see this video at 4:38). The man with horns was allegedly spotted at Ant*fa and BLM protests. Another photo shows this same man taking the vacated seat of the president of Congress (19:10). Still another photo from the same video shows him posing in front of the Capitol with Michael Vos, son-in-law of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (20:12).

Question: How much of the Capitol breach was an inside job involving the Capitol Police, Ant*fa, BLM, and/or members of Congress?

Impartial investigators should study all the evidence and put it all together. Also, congressmen verifying the Electoral College vote should have studied the massive evidence of voter fraud. It includes hundreds of sworn testimonies by first-hand witnesses. Instead, they spent much time blaming the Capitol breach on Trump and the Save America Rally.

Who has supported the police more than Trump?

Neither Trump nor the other rally speakers told the crowds to disobey the police or commit any violence. Instead, more than any congressman, Trump has supported the police and stood for law and order, especially during last year’s protests.

Of course, when the Capitol police let the crowd through the Capitol barriers, the crowd assumed it was okay to go as far as the police allowed.

Question: At the forefront of the crowds, who pushed the scant four policemen who stood in the way of the Capitol doors? How many in the forefront were Ant*fa and/or anti-Trump people seeking to discredit the Trump rally? And why, out of all the 2200+ Capitol policemen, were only four protecting the doors?

The breach of the Capitol started after 1 pm ET on January 6th.

Question: Why, on the same day, did NPR label as “9:33 am ET” their article “Trump Supporters Storm US Capitol, Clash with Police” ? The article was written more than 3 hours before the event occurred!

More questions: What happens if any congressmen, police, media, Ant*fa or BLM members are found guilty of collusion with the Capitol breach? Should they also be “prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law” as Sen. Chuck Schumer insisted? Should Congress expel any guilty congressmen from office, as Schumer insists that Trump be expelled?

We should strengthen police, not defund them

Videos of the crowd inside the Capitol show most of them as peaceful sightseers milling around. We see relatively few of them clash with police.

Questions: Who actually clashed with police? Who got arrested? And for what crimes? Who got arrested for carrying the “five guns”, according to Mayor Muriel Bowser, that never fired a shot? How many of those arrested were Trump supporters? The mainstream media is not answering those questions.

More questions: What supports allegations that any were trying to stage an insurrection, as Biden claims? How can someone accuse of “insurrection” a crowd with an alleged total of five guns that never fired a shot? And how many in the crowd were from the three busloads of Ant*fa supporters?

None of this would have happened if the 2200+ strong Capitol police had done their job. Especially after all the looting, burning and destruction accompanying the BLM protests, they should have stood ready. Moreover, Congress controls the Capitol police, and many in Congress call for defunding police. On the other hand, Trump calls for strengthening the police wherever violence threatens.

No wonder so many Americans are losing faith in their representatives and in elections. The truth can set us free. But without truth we can lose our freedoms.

Only when we have freedom of speech on all media will the whole truth come out. Until then we won’t have real answers to these pressing questions.

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