Argentina Approves Abortion, Guatemala Decries It

Argentina approves abortionARGENTINA APPROVES ABORTION. Argentina became only the third country in Latin America to legalize abortion, besides Cuba and Uruguay. The 38-29 vote in the Senate, after the Chamber of Deputies also passed it, defied Pope Francis’ objections. The pope, an Argentinian native, had likened the aborted fetus to Jesus.  “The Son of God was born an outcast, in order to tell us that every outcast is a child of God. He came into the world as each child comes into the world, weak and vulnerable, so that we can learn to accept our weaknesses with tender love.” The vote came five days after the Christmas, the celebration of His birth.

But only a month earlier, Guatemala reversed a decision to allow Planned Parenthood to operate. Its interior minister, Oliverio Garcia Rodas, had approved of PP in October.

Defender of life

But he resigned on November 6 after President Alejandro Giammattei disavowed that decision. The president said it violated the constitution as well his own principles as a doctor. “I recognize life from conception and…am a faithful defender of life.”

Abortion remains illegal in Guatemala except when the mother faces a life-threatening emergency. Yet Planned Parenthood seeks to operate even in nations which outlaw abortions. It does so under the guise of providing “healthcare” and “family” services. For example, in Belize it uses a PP member facility the “Belize Family Life Association.” There it allegedly practices abortion contrary to Belize law.

Officially, PP says that only a small percent of its services consists of abortions. But then-PP president Leana Wen said in 2019 that abortion—included in “reproductive health care”–was PP’s “core mission.” This mission now extends to 189 nations, many of which have laws against abortion. Let’s pray that more nations repudiate these unlawful bloody “missionaries”.

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