Will Revival Start This Year in Belize? Time to Prepare…

revival start this yearREVIVAL START THIS YEAR. Many prophetic leaders have been prophesying a great awakening, beginning with revival this year. Bill Johnson, Rick Joyner, Mario Murillo, Sid Roth, Dutch Sheets and many others are not only anticipating revival but experiencing it to some extent. They all expect that this revival will spread around the world.

But will it come to Belize? Belize has never experienced a nationwide revival. Many of us prepared for one in 2017, when the Festival of Hope conducted crusades throughout Belize. But despite hundreds getting saved and starting discipleship, we had no unusual after-effects.

At the same time, Elijah List’s Jacob Biswell prophesied an end to corruption and poverty here. But corruption continued, though hopes for the new PUP administration have not been dashed. And poverty has persisted and then dramatically increased due to Coronavirus restrictions.

Biswell also saw a vision of waves of God’s glory pouring over Belize. These waves would spread to Central and South America. But nations would come to Belize as the birthplace of this ongoing revival.

But this has not happened yet. Instead, since the 2017 Festival of Hope, we have heard fewer encouraging prophetic words about Belize. In 2018 I posted the last of the “Revelations” prophetic words I have gathered from Belizean leaders.

Then for the 2019 Global Day of Prayer, I asked 15+ pastors to provide words to pray over. I asked each for a message to his congregation that he believed was applicable to all Belize. No one provided any. We had to change the GDOP theme to prayer for social and political issues.

Since then, evangelicals have kept speaking on important social and political issues. But we have succeeded only in resisting EOB and other waves of evil, instead of releasing waves of revival.

Preparing to move when God moves

For lack of a corporate move of God, many evangelicals have become absorbed with individual and family pursuits. Especially during this past year of Covid-19 isolation.

What must we do to receive—and move with—waves of revival when they do come?

  1. Recognize what God is doing now in this Covid-19 season as it comes to a close. He is strengthening family relationships by turning hearts of parents and children to each other. And strengthening relationships with Him and small groups of friends.
  2. Keep your life open to new relationships and activities as you re-engage with the outside world. That means avoid filling up your schedule, so you can have room for this new move of God.
  3. Recognize what God is doing when revival starts to come. Revival may start with the most unlikely people in the most unlikely places. Even with a Saul in Damascus (Acts 9). You and your church may have to make many adjustments to welcome and sustain revival in your lives.
  4. When revival does come into your life, seek ways to release it to others. This applies to your home life, church life, work life and public life. Give what you have received, and you will receive more to give. Revival lasts as long as we keep giving it away.
  5. Prepare the way for the Lord to expand His influence in your sphere of influence. The pandemic has shown us that our governments and media and big businesses have become increasingly anti-God and anti-Christian. They all need extensive reorientation and reformation. So connect with other Christians, and use your influence for God wherever you do have influence. Then He will magnify your influence and begin to change your world.

“You will receive power”

In the US revival has come first to those who, in faith, to set the stage for revival to happen. Sean Feucht organized outdoor “Let Us Worship” gatherings in city after city. In response, God showed up in great power at each gathering. Also, Mario Murillo organized big tent meetings in several California cities. Again and again, God came with numerous salvations, deliverances and healings.

Will revival come this year to Belize? I believe it will come as soon as God sees we are ready to receive it, sustain it, and release it. So it depends on us. For “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be My witnesses…to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). That must include Belize.


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Keyphrase: will revival start this year