Our Rights Follow Responsibilities—Or Else We Lose Them

rights follow responsibilities

OUR RIGHTS FOLLOW RESPONSIBILITIES. At the Dec. 14 public meeting in Belize City on our Constitution, we learned how rights are lost. Maria Paz de Madrid from Chile agreed with our Preamble that only our Creator can grant rights. Not the government.

Last year Chile rejected by a 62% vote a new constitution which added woke rights not given by God. Now Chile is considering a more conservative constitution which preserves God-given rights. They include rights to life, liberty, protection of the law, assembly, and religion.

But if parents don’t instill in children the responsibility to use those rights well, they can lose them. The government can reduce their rights and replace them with control. So we need to add parental rights to the Constitution, and promote parental responsibilities too.

Otherwise, as our other speaker Darrell Bradley said, our rights stay on paper and don’t apply to people’s lives. A former Belize City mayor, he added that the Constitution must recognize local governments too. The national government must stay accountable to every level of government.

The forum then opened to the public, and I added my piece in agreement. I’d like to expand on those remarks here. The responsibilities of government begin in the family. They extend to the spheres of community and city and nation. As boys and girls grow up learning responsibilities, parents gradually give them more rights. And introduce them to the wider spheres of government.

Training for reigning

Kids grow up wanting to pair off with the opposite sex. But they must learn that leads to marriage and families and the responsibility to take care of them. Instead, many kids are learning to have all kinds of sex with no kind of responsibility. Abortion on demand and LGBT propaganda are leading to weak or broken families.

If families fail, communities and nations fail, and global government takes over. We see in the Antichrist the ultimate expression of global tyranny. Already foreign global agendas are pushing us in that direction. They want to redefine sex and family and, in that way, control the nations and and their communities.

We can defend our rights and sovereignty only by putting a strong constitution into practice. That means taking responsibility for our rights. God gave them to us, and if we use them well, He will give us more. In that way, men and women can fulfill our calling to multiply and take dominion over the earth He gave us. And that will remain our calling till the end of the Millennium when we rule the earth with Christ.

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Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash


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