Gang Violence Solutions Get Trial in Belize

gang violence solutionsGANG VIOLENCE SOLUTIONS. In 2021 Belize’s murder count rose by 23 to 125, even with a nightly curfew. That included the gunning down of 12 minors. Of course, 2020 had a bigger lockdown and a 90-day state of emergency. But 2021’s murder count was not much lower than the pre-Covid level of 145 per year.

So in November 2021, the government initiated the Leadership Intervention Unit (LIU). It began with a retreat which took 43 gang members out of their violent city environment. There at Mountain Pine Ridge they had no access to phones or friends or family.

Instead, they learned survival skills in both wilderness and unfamiliar social settings. That included conflict resolution, public relations and even customer service. In other words, LIU treated them, perhaps for the first time, like responsible young men with a future. And they gained certificates for completing the training. It’s the first time some of them got cited for anything other than crimes.

During the following two months, only one murder occurred in Belize City—though one is too much. So can we take this as a sign of a turnaround for city gangs? Will they break out of their rut of gang enmities? And relate in constructive ways with each other?

Government programs need God

Kevin Cadle, Acting Director of the Department of Youth Services, hopes so. He is overseeing programs for further wilderness retreats, youth development and in-depth training. Youth will have opportunity to work with firefighters, police and the Belize Defense Force. Also, they will have chances to develop construction, electrical and plumbing skills.

But previous programs such as Conscious Youth Development and Restore Belize have tapered off. And gang truces such as the 2017 gangsters’ “Peace March” have not held for very long.

Government programs have lacked staying power without God. But this time, Minister of Home Affairs Kareem Musa says he will involve pastors in these programs. So we must pray that this time, God move powerfully on these young men in ways they can’t deny.  Most of all they need a Father, and He deeply desires their hearts. Will the twain meet?

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Related sources for gang violence solutions:

Can Belize’s Murder Rate Be Held Down in ’22?

Can Police Stop Deadly Violence Against Minors

LIU – the New Antidote to Gang Violence

LIU’s Learning Curve

Can LIU Create a Lasting Peace?

Pine Ridge Retreat For G’s


Keyphrase: gang violence solutions