Endless Court Packing Looms if Biden Elected

By October 11, 2020November 3rd, 2020Current Events
Endless Court Packing

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ENDLESS COURT PACKING: What would happen if a president-elect Joe Biden started adding justices to the US Supreme Court? Both he and his running mate Kamala Harris keep refusing to deny that they would pack the court. A future Republican president could pack it further to tilt it his way. When would it end? For such reasons, most voters oppose court-packing, and Biden knows this. Yet he says that the people don’t deserve to know if he will do so.

We have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The people elect a President and Senate knowing that the President nominates justices, and the Senate approves them. The people cannot elect or vote out Supreme Court justices. Therefore the Constitution limits the Supreme Court to judging legal cases.

Legislatures alone makes laws. Courts can only judge cases based on the Constitution, and on laws made by lawmakers. When courts overstep their role and make laws, they violate the law and the Constitution they swore to uphold.

Yet the Supreme Court has been doing this more and more since the Warren Court of the 50s and 60s. In 1962 the Supreme Court declared prayer in schools unconstitutional, despite the fact that the Founding Fathers promoted prayer in schools and all other public venues. Since 1962, learning scores in schools have steadily declined and immorality has steadily increased.

Then the Supreme Court declared laws against abortion unconstitutional, despite the fact that the Declaration of Independence declares the unalienable right to life for all. How can we deny that an innocent child with a living, beating heart has the right to stay alive? For a child in the womb has a beating heart one day after it is conceived.

68 million missing people

Now more than 20 percent of the US population is missing. Up to 68 million people of ages 47 years and younger would be living and having more children today. But abortion cut their lives short before they saw the light of day.

Then the Supreme Court declared that homosexuals had the legal right to marry. Who gave the court the right to redefine marriage? Not the Constitution, nor the legislatures, which alone makes laws.

Now, in a government of, by and for the people, the people cannot appeal these unconstitutional decisions. They can only elect a President and Senate who can confirm justices to right these wrongs. And to uphold the Constitution as written instead of their own unconstitutional opinions.

Amy Coney Barrett has the reputation as an originalist who will not go beyond what is written. So let us pray for her confirmation and faithfulness to her judicial role. And against court-packing which would further degrade our judicial system.


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Related sources for endless court packing:

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Supreme Court Justices Thomas, Alito suggest same-sex marriage decision be reconsidered

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Keyphrase: Endless Court Packing