Drugs—Powerful Delusions Opposing the Truth

By July 10, 2022July 19th, 2022Current Events, End-Times Topics

drugs-powerful delusionsDRUGS-POWERFUL DELUSIONS. “The coming of the lawless one will be… with… every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness” (2 Thess. 2:9-12).

We know that the lawless one is the Antichrist. But even before the Antichrist arises, we see an increase in lawlessness. And it has made the love of many grow cold.

We saw the Chief Justice of Belize, the chief keeper of the law, declare the law against sodomy void. We saw the government almost succeed at nullifying the law against marijuana. Now we’re going to have to work to win the referendum to keep marijuana illegal.

Lawlessness opens the door to “every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved” (verse 10). We see an increasing difference between those who love the truth, and those who spread lies.

For instance, in 2020 the media did not report the truth about the “Equal Opportunities Bill” (EOB). Even though we came out in great numbers opposing it, compared with a few LGBT advocates. Then in 2021 the media did not report the truth about the consultations for legalizing pot. In fact, they didn’t even allow opponents to speak.

Now this year government leaders publicly claim that they consulted the church. But they did not do any such thing.

People take drugs because they can’t take the truth

More and more in Belize, and around the world, we see governments publicly making false claims. Then they call everything else disinformation. In some cases they even make the truth illegal. Because they do not love the truth so as to be saved.

How did this happen? Once we could speak the truth on social media. But now we get repeatedly censored for speaking the truth. In the US big companies are promoting LGBT and transexual surgeries. Then they fire employees who won’t use the right pronouns.

Schools not only teach little children to have all kinds of sex. They urge them to change their sex. Then they have to live for the rest of their lives on drugs that suppress their true sexual identity. Because they drugs sustain their delusion of a false sexual identity.

This is a powerful delusion. People take drugs because they can’t take the truth.

The more we allow drugs, the more powerful the delusion. And the greater the perversion of the truth.

So will the government finally push you to take drugs to go along with their delusion and perversion? In the US they’re already doing that to schoolchildren.

Dr. Fauci promoted mandatory vaxxes against Covid, and recently he got Covid. So did countless others who got vaxxed. Can we be sure that governments won’t push drugs on people, saying it’s healthy for you? But instead the drugs really influence them to go along with their powerful delusion?

Though it sounds like a conspiracy theory now, it may become a reality. Government have legalized sodomy. Now many want to force people to approve of sodomy. Ultimately, will they try to force people to be sodomized?

That’s what happened in Sodom. The men of Sodom tried to force Lot’s guests to be sodomized.

Breaking the power of this delusion

I hate to say it, but this is where things are going in many places. And the Bible says it will. The Bible says the Antichrist, the lawless one, will promote a powerful delusion. This will empower “every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing.“

Those evils will produce a Babylon where people have all kinds of sex. Where “all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality.” And “all the nations were deceived by your sorcery” (Rev. 18:3.23).

The word for sorcery is pharmakeia, pharma, which can also mean drugs. Drugs are a powerful delusion that influence people to believe lies. To go along with a flood of perversion that leads to destrucrion.

We see the US and many Western nations going that way. But what has kept Belize from going as far as other nations?

Thank God, the church. Praying together, acting together, by the grace of God, we stopped the EOB. And we forced a public vote on marijuana. But we’ve got to keep praying and acting together to win that vote.  And to stop future EOBs from happening.

So let’s keep loving the truth and speaking the truth in love to those who are perishing. Let’s break the power of this delusion and show the power of salvation for those who believe the truth.


Image based on photo by mostafa_meraji from Pixabay

Plus ETG articles related to drugs-powerful delusions:

Legalizing Marijuana Attracts Drug Cartels

Marijuana Regulation Means Legalization & Future Degradation

Marijuana-Financed Education—Blessing or Curse?

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Also, BPN articles related to drugs-powerful delusions:

Legalizing Marijuana Can Impoverish Belize Further

Youth battling anxiety, depression & suicide ideation


And related sources for drugs-powerful delusions:

Churches Force A Referendum On Legalizing It


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