Democratic States Use Pandemic for Undemocratic Actions

Democratic States Use PandemicDEMOCRATIC STATES USE PANDEMIC. Up to 64% of the nations in the world have made undemocratic, unnecessary responses to the pandemic. The 34-nation International Institute for Democracy & Electoral Assistance concluded this in a 22-month study. Moreover, it named the US among number of countries where democracy was backsliding. In fact, that number has doubled over the past decade, according to International IDEA.

Autocratic, non-democratic regimes have become “even more brazen in their repression.” They have acted illegally in many ways and have silenced free-speech objections all the more.

In order to break out of these bossy habits, democracies need to “innovate and revitalize themselves.” Otherwise, they will accelerate the recent trend of authoritarianism, says International IDEA.

In my opinion, the mass media has collaborated with this trend. For example, today Reuters reported that Omicron cases were now found in 57 countries. That amounts to 30 percent of UN-recognized countries. But Reuters glaringly failed to report that there were no deaths yet.

Therefore we may conclude that the mainstream media wants to highlight fears and promote more government controls. Instead, let’s wait to see whether the omicron variant causes severe illnesses and spreads easily. Also, we should find out what treatments and vaccines can successfully combat it. And try to get our information from increasingly rare reliable sources.

ETG articles related to democratic states use pandemic:

Vaccine Mandates Show Autocracy, not Democracy

Statism Rises, Democracy Wanes on 5 Continents

Morality-Based Democracy vs. Brutality-Based Statism

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BPN articles related to democratic states use pandemic:

Government-Big Tech Crackdown on “Disinformation”

Covid-19 Mental Health Impact—on 56% of Young Adults


Related sources for democratic states use pandemic:

Democracy backsliding across the world amid pandemic, report says

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Keyphrase: democratic states use pandemic