Coronavirus Crisis—End-Times Preparation: 5 SHORT VIDEOS

By April 6, 2020November 3rd, 2020Current Events, End-Times Topics

Coronavirus Crisis—End-Times PreparationCoronavirus Crisis—End-Times Preparation. How do these times relate to the end times? And how can we prepare for the more challenging times to come? Many are asking these questions as the effects of the Coronavirus crisis increase in intensity throughout the earth.

The disciples asked Jesus similar questions in Matthew 24. In response, He began by saying, “See to it that no one misleads you” (verse 4). We will be misled if we listen to sensational or fear-mongering media. And Jesus knew that we would be inclined to fear at times like this.

So He said, “Do not be frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end” (verse 6). “Those things” are the disasters, such as the Covid-19 plague, that will increase as the end times draw near.

Jesus does not want us to fear when we hear of more bad news. Instead, He wants us to focus on the good news, the “gospel of the kingdom”, which must “be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” (verse 14).

You can find more answers from the Bible about these times—and the times to come—in the video course “Covid-19 Crisis—End Times Preparation.”

Click here for 6 min. intro video to this course.

Understand how our times will develop into the end times

As many of you know, I post on the average an article every week on this End Times Guide website. Also on the Belize Prayer Network website. And five days a week, I make posts on current events, and how they relate to the end times, on the End Times Guide Facebook page.

I’ve made the end times a special area of Bible study. This began when I graduated from Gordon-Conwell seminary in 1993. Up to 14 percent of Scriptures concern the end times. The more we can account for every end-times Scripture, the truer and fuller our view of the end times will be. So that is why it has taken me so long to come to convincing conclusions. Now it’s important to understand how our times will develop into the end times.

This present crisis calls for our full attention. So I have developed an online course of five videos called Covid-19 Crisis—End-Times Preparation. For the duration of this crisis, the course will be free. This course fits both pre-trib and post-trib viewpoints. Most of the five videos take about 7-8 minutes each. They cover what the Bible says about the following topics:

1. Covid-19 Waiting Time—How We Use it is Crucial

Will things return to normal?

Or have we entered a new era, or the end times themselves?

Find out what Jesus says about plagues like this, and how this crisis relates to the end times. Learn how to best use this waiting time with God until the crisis ends. As a result, you can come out better & stronger for it.

Click here to watch this 7 min. video now.

2. God’s Covid-19 Plans vs. the Enemy’s Plans

Why does God allow plagues and other disasters?

How can we avoid the enemy’s plans to use them for evil?

Learn how God makes even disasters work to the good of those who love Him. And how He uses disasters to turn unbelievers to Him, before it’s too late.

3. Unbelievers Will Face Increasing Snares & Woes

How hard is this crisis on unbelievers, who don’t know how to turn to God?

What new troubles will we face once people come out of lockdown?

Find out how to cooperate with the now-hidden move of God. Learn how to extend this move to unbelievers when we emerge from isolation. And get ready to show them the difference between God’s love and the world’s deceptions.

4. Rescue Operations Will Grow Churches During Disasters

How can we prepare to help broken people in future disasters?

Then how can we show them how to depend on God, instead of on us?

Learn about the wide range of rescue & mercy ministries so you can decide where you fit in. Join in winning the great coming harvests of souls to Jesus. And find out how to equip people to not only fulfil their needs, but to meet others’ needs too.

5. Underground Church Networking to Overcome Persecution

Why will persecution increase before the end times begin?

How will the church resist and overcome the worse persecution ahead of us?

Find out how underground churches are already surviving and multiplying during persecutions now. Also, learn to share in secret and build on strong relationships of trust. That way you can engage in this great adventure of faith with Christ & others at your side. 

We begin the first video by finding out where we are on the end-times calendar at the present moment.

If you’d like to see any of the other 4 videos now, please email me. Or if you have any questions about this course, feel free to contact me at

In fact, the first 10 people who sign up will have access to a special Q & A session, in which you can ask your own questions about this and related topics.

Click here to sign up for this course now. And become an overcomer with Christ, so that you can face the challenges that the coming times will bring.

End Times Guide articles related to Coronavirus Crisis—End-Times Preparation:

Where are we on the end-times calendar?

Harvests of Gentiles & Jews

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God’s Kingdom Guarantees vs Socialist Guarantees, Pt.2

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Related sources for Coronavirus Crisis—End-Times Preparation:

Google searches for prayer ‘skyrocket’ amid coronavirus outbreak: report

Xapit social media

Keyword: Coronavirus Crisis—End-Times Preparation