Building God’s House & Watching for His Enemies

BUILDING GODS HOUSE. Psalm. 127:1-2. “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it;

Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain.

It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late,

To eat the bread of painful labors; for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.”

I see in these verses an expansion of vision, from building a house, to watching over a whole city. But it’s easy to get distracted by the immediate task and lose the bigger vision.

Before we engage in doing something, we need to ask God, “What are You doing?” Jesus said, “I will build My church” (Mt. 16:18). What is He building? Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.

First see what the Lord is building in your church—or I should say His church. Then partner with Him in building it. If He’s initiating an outreach, follow that initiative. Or if He’s reaching the broken-hearted or someone in bondage or trouble, do what He’s doing. And you will see Him succeed.

When He heals broken people, they often become the best builders of His house of broken people who have been healed.

Who is watching over your city?

But it’s not enough to build a good house. Unless the Lord guards the whole city, the watchmen keep awake in vain. You can have a good house. But if enemies invade the city, they will eventually try to take over your house. If they do, the labor in building will be in vain.

If the LGBT agenda gets a foothold in your curriculum, young people will consider LGBT an option. And you may lose much of what you built in those youth. If marijuana gets legalized and your church members tolerate its use, young people will use it. Then they will also consider harder drugs as an option. And you may lose what you built in those youth.

So who is watching over your city? Who is protecting in your houses and the houses of the Lord?

The politicians? Mostly, no. The labor unions, the businesses? No, they’re concerned about their own jobs and businesses. But they aren’t showing much concern about the whole city or the nation. And certainly not about the houses of the Lord.

The only ones who watch over God’s interests in the city and the nation are—us. The church leaders and church members. And we are not watching in vain.

He delivers us from evil

In Belize, God has shown powerfully, in the past two years, that He is watching over us. In fact, He has alerted us and rescued us from powerful enemies who want to take over our houses and our youth.

In 2020, politicians were pushing a pro-LGBT bill. It would have taken away our right to defend our churches and our youth against the gay agenda. The churches put up a resistance, and God used that to stop it.

In 2021, politicians were promoting marijuana for economic success. But the more we succeed with weed, the more we attract drug cartels. Drug cartels have a way of taking over houses, cities and nations. Even our minds. Because weed does a lot of damage to young people’s minds. So the churches put up a resistance, and God used that to stop marijuana legalization.

But we’ve got to keep watching over our cities and nations.  Because those enemies want to come back while we’re not watching. Because both issues, LGBT and marijuana, are gaining global momentum.

Here is something Police Commissioner Chester Williams admitted Friday about Belize police. “It would be easy for them to come across cartels and perhaps be influenced to be a part of the cartel’s operation… we’re seeing where the cartels are moving closer and closer to Chetumal.” Chetumal sits on the northern border of Belize.

30% of millennials identify as LGBT

Also, last week a report by Christian pollster George Barna became a headline: Most millennials like Jesus and the Bible, but 30% identify as LGBT: study. Not long ago, the most reliable reports said that 1%, or at most 3%, were gay. Now they say that because of positive media coverage, more and more kids are considering the gay lifestyle.

What kind of families will they have? What is the future of our houses and our nation?

Psalm 127:4-5 goes on to say, “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate.”

The youth can help us watch our houses and our cities and nations. But the LGBT agenda wants to turn our children into our enemies. If we don’t educate our kids to be straight arrows, the enemy will twist them and turn them against us.

So let’s watch for what God wants to do with our kids, our churches, our nation, and encourage and promote that. But also keep watchful of what the enemy is doing, and take stands against it, to our politicians, the public, and our churches.

God is watching over us, but He needs us to watch with Him.


ETG articles related to building Gods house:

Drug Violence Hits Mexico Tourist Spots & Belize

Legalizing Marijuana Attracts Drug Cartel Intrusion

Marijuana-Financed Education—Blessing or Curse?

87,000 Mexicans Still Missing, Case of 43 Students Solved

Mexico Pre-Election Violence Killed 91 Politicians

Pirates of the Caribbean and Gulf Return

Migrants Crossing Texas Border Open Way for Covid, Drugs

Pope Contradicts Doctrine on Same-Sex Unions

Endless Court-Packing Looms if Biden Elected

Pro-LGBT Supreme Court Picks Threaten Constitutions

Natural Law vs Unnatural Lawlessness in the End Times


BPN articles related to building Gods house:

Marijuana Regulation Means Legalization & Future Degradation

Legalizing Marijuana Can Impoverish Belize Further

Youth battling anxiety, depression & suicide ideation

Equality: Legal Code Word for LGBT Privileges


Related sources for building Gods house:

Most millennials like Jesus and the Bible, but 30% identify as LGBT: study

Official: A Dozen Drug Gangs Fighting for Mexico’s Caribbean


Keyphrase: building Gods house