Biggest Cyberattack Ever Struck US 2020 Elections

biggest cyberattack everBIGGEST CYBERATTACK EVER. Go to Absolute Proof now and you will see two hours of undeniable evidence of the 2020 election steal. Or read the summary provided here of testimony from experts including General Thomas McInerney. He calls it “the most massive cyberwarfare attack in the history of mankind.”

Little did China know that US cyber security experts were tracking every intrusion into US voting machines. Specifically, they recorded the time, date, intruding computer ID, the target state, target computer, and number of votes changed.

All those votes changed from Trump to Biden. Correcting this voting fraud scheme alone, the numbers change to about 79 million for Trump, 68 million for Biden.

Sixty percent of these intrusions came from China, using Huawei, Alibaba and other tech giants. Moreover, they cooperated with US deep-state cybersecurity officials who built systems for this very purpose. Former FBI director James Comey knew as far back as 2015 that our election systems could become extensively hacked. Yet now, not only the FBI, but the NSA, CIA, and DOJ refuse to investigate the evidence of election fraud.

Why? We can expect more big news about that to break before long. But Terry Turchie, former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI Counter-Terrorism Division, says those agencies are compromised. And that their leaders should face prosecution in court.

Such leaders can easily intimidate their underlings into ignoring the massive evidence. And this also is happening on the state level. For example, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has threatened to disbar attorneys who challenge vote results. She even told the Washington Post that she would seek criminal sanctions against them.

Longtime constitutional attorney Matt DePerno calls this a “chilling effect” and “totalitarian tyranny”. It violates professional conduct rules to the extent that he said she should resign immediately.

Dominion systems designed for systematic fraud

Matt DePerno is one courageous Michigan attorney who has calmly ignored Nessel’s threats. He brought a team of forensic experts to study the notorious Antrim County results. Subsequently, they found that Dominion voting machines had flipped the vote from 65% for Trump to 65% for Biden. The local systems manager had hooked up the machines to internet, opening it up to hacking. The Dominion manual actually instructs users how to connect its machines to internet.

The forensic team reported: “We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systematic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generated an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication.”

Adjudication means that the assigned vote counter can decide which way the vote goes. He has “no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud.” Specifically, the adjudication files were deleted and Attorney General Nessel has blocked efforts to find out why. And at least 38 other Michigan counties used the Dominion Voting System in 2020. So did counties in at least 23 other states in the US.

Spread the news!

Absolute Proof shows far more evidence of vote-tampering at every level than we can include here. It starts with eye-popping stats of battleground state counts. For instance, Biden supposedly won Arizona by 10,000 votes. But 296,589 of his total votes went through adjudication. 150,000 in Maricopa County alone came from voters who registered after the deadline. And 36,400 were counted from illegal aliens.

The more we circulate Absolute Proof and other evidence, the harder it will be for officials to suppress it. It takes some risk, especially on the big social media platforms. But truth emboldens people more than lies. Soon we can expect a growing avalanche of evidence. As a result, more people will lose fear of reprisals from their higher-ups as the proofs become more obvious. The truth will set us free!

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Keyphrase: biggest cyberattack ever