Keeping National Sovereignty Amid Globalist Pressures

keeping national sovereigntyKEEPING NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY. Too often we hear the UN and other globalist agencies telling nations they must bow to woke dogma. Whether to trans ideology, the LGBT agenda, to energy-use limits in the name of climate-change. Or even to pedophiles in the name of “minor-attracted people.”

How do globalists do that? By inserting those agendas into international agreements of trade, etc. For example, the EU has a binding trade agreement with 48 African, 16 Caribbean & 15 Pacific countries. Recently the EU has sought to extend that agreement. But with 100 LGBT “rights” conditions attached.

Now that several countries are revising their constitutions, globalists want to enshrine such agendas. Instead, we can use our constitutions and laws to resist them.

For example, at an Aug. 12 meeting on the Belize Constitution, the presenter Ed Usher of the National Kriol Council said that the Senate holds the right to make treaties with foreign powers. And that Belize must keep its word to those foreign powers. In response, I said we need wording in the Constitution that the Senate must keep to the people of Belize. Specifically, that any proposed treaty must go publicly before the whole legislature. And that no treaty can override the Constitution and laws of Belize.

How can we appeal WHO?

Moreover, heavily Chinese-influenced WHO wants to impose regulations globally in times of pandemics. The current Belize Constitution allows suspension of rights & freedoms “in the interests of…public health.” But if we allow WHO to dictate that the suspension of rights & freedoms, to whom can we appeal?

At the same Aug. 12 meeting I argued for a constitutional avenue of appeal. To our own government, and not to any foreign entity. Because many Covid regulations have proven to be worthless, such as school lockdowns. Kids were much less likely to catch Covid than older people. And boys became much more likely to contract myocarditis from the “vaccines.”

Furthermore, church lockdowns prevented Christians from gathering to pray against the pandemic. The Belize Constitution still affirms “the supremacy of God.” Since God has supremacy, we should be able to pray that He show Himself supreme over us in emergencies. Instead, bars opened while churches stayed closed or severely limited. “Thus says the Lord, ‘Let My people go, that they may serve Me’” (Ex. 8:1). Thus should say the Constitution too.


Photo by Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

ETG articles related to keeping national sovereignty:

EU Pushes LGBT Agenda on 79 Third-World Countries

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BPN articles related to keeping national sovereignty:

Notorious Pro-LGBT Bill Returns to Harass Belize

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