Thousands Have Disappeared in Peru, Columbia & Paraguay

Thousands Have Disappeared

THOUSANDS HAVE DISAPPEARED. Back in the 90’s we often heard of people whom their friends & relatives lost track of. Especially in Chile and Argentina when military dictators ruled. At that time the media called them the “disappeared.”

Now Peru, Paraguay and Columbia are reporting multitudes of people missing. Peru has 20,000 disappeared, and investigators have found only 3,200 remains. And Paraguay has 500. But they have found only 15 bodies so far.

After 5 years of civil war, Columbia has by far the highest number: 124,000+, plus 450,000 killed.  It continued even after 2022 when the newly-elected president, Gustavo Petro, promised to end it. Though a former rebel, Petro set out to disarm rebels and drug gangs.

Progress and regress reports

When that failed, Columbia started the Truth Commission and the Search Unit for Disappeared Persons. The Truth Commission spread the blame to all parties involved. According to AP, it reported that “paramilitary groups committed 45% of the homicides.” But the main rebel group FARC also “carried out 27% and the government forces 12%.”

Now former rebels work side by side with state officials and religious leaders to find the missing. But in Paraguay the 1954-1989 reign of terror by dictator Alfredo Stroessner never came to an accounting. His party still rules Paraguay.

And in Peru, Shining Path’s 1980-2000 terror campaign met a similar terror campaign by the government. “Whole generations of adult men disappeared,” UNC history professor Miguel La Serna said. “And that impacted the demographics in these communities. People moved out to escape the violence and some never returned,” he added. “And that’s to say nothing of the social, collective trauma that people experienced.”

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BPN articles related to 150,000 Mexicans vanished:

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Related sources for 150,000 Mexicans vanished:

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cartel hit men, drug smuggling, hugs not guns, human trafficking, Paraguay, Columbia, Peru, mexico, drug cartels, socialism, truth commission, disappeared




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