Sinaloa-Chinese Conspiracy to Poison US with Drugs Exposed

Sinaloa-Chinese conspiracy

SINALOA-CHINESE CONSPIRACY. A cool $50 million in drug money flowed in the money exchanges between the Sinaloa cartel and Chinese underground. Where does that Chinese underground operate? Specifically, in the US itself, in the San Gabriel Valley. So says the DEA which just concluded a five-year investigation into the conspiracy.

The charges include conspiracy to aid and abet cocaine and meth distribution and money laundering. A cartel-linked money laundering network processed the drug money with help from an LA-area group. In turn that group made the link with Chinese underground banking. It concealed the source of the money and made the money available to cartel members in Mexico.

DEA administrator Anne Milgram blamed the cartels for “the worst drug crisis in American history… Laundering drug money gives the Sinaloa Cartel the means to produce and import their deadly poison.” She stressed DEA’s top operational priority: “to save American lives by defeating the cartels.” And defeating those who support them.

As a result, the Justice Department declared a 10-count indictment charging 20 men with this conspiracy. So is the Biden administration finally doing something right at the border? Only because of an investigation started by the Trump administration. And one that Biden’s cohorts didn’t dare to stop.

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Tags: amlo, drug smuggling, hugs not guns, human trafficking, mexican drug cartels, mexico, Sinaloa cartel, Chinese underground, money laundering


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