Pro-LGBT Supreme Court Picks Threaten Constitutions

By July 15, 2020November 4th, 2020Current Events

pro-lgbt supreme courtPRO-LGBT SUPREME COURT. All around the world, politicians feel pressure to promote pro-LGBT judges and Supreme Court justices. Such judges and justices are taking away constitutional rights. Such US Presidents G. W. Bush and Trump have bucked that trend by appointing constitutionalist judges.

But recently Trump appointee Neil Gorsuch and Bush appointee John Roberts joined four liberal justices in outlawing discrimination against gay or transgender employees.  Gorsuch in fact wrote the majority opinion.

This means that US employers cannot exercise their right to freedom of association. They should also have freedom to evaluate their employees’ fitness to their jobs in terms of character. Moreover no one denies they have the right to fire drug or alcohol addicts. So they also should have the right to fire LGBTs if they consider that immoral behavior.

Nations large and small are bowing to the LGBT agenda. Belize PM Dean Barrow is proceeding to appoint two LGBT activist lawyers to the Supreme Court. Lisa Shoman and Westmin James were two chief UNIBAM lawyers who got sodomy legalized in Belize. UNIBAM is the pro-LGBT United Belize Advocacy Movement which took that case to court. In a 2018 Facebook post, Shoman even called herself “a proud member of the ‘UNIBAM CREW’”.

We need an impartial and independent judiciary

In my opinion, this would compromise her impartiality as a Justice. And that of Westmin James as well. Though the vast majority of Belizeans oppose the LGBT agenda, a small minority want to take more LGBT cases to court. Both Shoman and James would have to recuse themselves from considering such cases.

The Supreme Court already has a pro-LGBT Justice in Antoinette Moore. Powerful business interests are pushing a potential fourth LGBT advocate to become Chief Justice! What happened to the independence of the judiciary?

Currently Belize has an acting Chief Justice in Michele Arana. She has an impeccable record of fourteen years of legal experience. But she has not been properly appointed. Will the PM force her to step down and make the Supreme Court 100 percent pro-LGBT?

The Belize Constitution says that Supreme Court Justices shall serve until age 62. But the PM is appointing Shoman and James to serve only one year each. Does that give them just enough time to approve the far-reaching LGBT agenda in Equal Opportunities Bill?

In my opinion, that bill too is extensively unconstitutional. It can deny the accused his right to presumption of innocence, to a lawyer, even to a hearing. But once politicians start ignoring their constitution, they will think they can operate outside the law they have sworn to uphold.

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States Must Serve Individuals & Groups, not Vice Versa

 Related sources for Pro-LGBT Supreme Court:

Lisa Shoman to be Appointed Judge of the Supreme Court

Keyword: pro-LGBT Supreme Court