Journalism Becomes History—Writing for Future Generations

Journalism Becomes History

JOURNALISM BECOMES HISTORY. Normally we take one day at a time. At the turn of the year, we try to evaluate the old year, and make resolutions for the New Year. Then we go back to living one day or week at a time. Like other journalists I gather enough news to post on an issue weekly on websites and daily on social media.

But I don’t always remember I am writing for future years and generations too. If any at all are following me then, they will need me to give the most truthful and perceptive account. Mostly unawares, I act as their eyes & ears on my time for their time to learn from.

Often the best I can do is to [I can do no more than] summarize the most salient points of on-the-spot reporters. So I had better find the most reliable ones. They have their own deadlines and often rush to fill space with first, hasty impressions of breaking news. We journalists need discernment to find the most reliable eyes and ears as witnesses of our world.

Faithful witnesses vs. fake news

The authors of the Bible proved to be good and faithful witnesses of events we still learn from today. Of course, since their time journalists and historians have lacked the same divine inspiration. We only know in part and publish—and at times prophesy—in part. But we do have a divine mandate to serve as good and faithful stewards of what God brings to our attention. To not bear false witness but to seek at least two or three reliable witnesses of events to establish truth.

Readers should also hold journalists and bloggers accountable to basic agreed-on standards. The Society of Professional Journalists has a code of ethics that we should all abide by. Below you can read the final section of this vital code.

  • Clarify and explain news coverage and invite dialogue with the public over journalistic conduct.
  • Encourage the public to voice grievances against the news media.
  • Admit mistakes and correct them promptly.
  • Expose unethical practices of journalists and the news media.
  • Abide by the same high standards to which they hold others.

If only legacy journalists had kept to these standards in the past year, we’d face a different world in 2025. Instead, they made too much fake news in 2024 with lies about Biden, Trump, Israel, etc. They caused much unnecessary litigation, confusion and grief. Now they face the consequences of low ratings, salary cuts, cancellations, disgrace and unemployment. Into the pits they dug for others, they themselves have fallen.

“I have no greater joy than to see that my children are walking in the truth” (3 John 4). For the sake of future children and generations, pray that journalists find and keep to that narrow path.

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Related source for Journalism Becomes History:

Code of ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists