“Gender Identity” Red Flag Remains after Rainbow Flags Fall

gender identity red flag

GENDER IDENTITY RED FLAG. You can hear sighs of relief around the world now that June “LGBT Pride” month has ended. Thank God and the US Congress, no Gay Pride flags flew over US embassies as in previous years. But new red flags of UN neo-colonialism still rise every time it promotes “gender identity.”

For instance, “gender identity” found its way into the Belize’s new gender policy. And into the Police Department human rights manual. This red flag points to “Slippery Slope Ahead,” as Belize’s Father Scott Giuliani has explained so well. There our basic foundation of freedoms of conscience, expression and religion tilts sideways.

Because, he says, those rights become slippery when we introduce new “gender identity rights”. Including the right of men to identify as women and access their programs, locker rooms & restrooms.

“Equality” used to divide into unequal parts

Such a policy may divert elsewhere funds for women to have their own sports and programs. It may allow funds to address violence against women to instead address “gender-based violence.” And it may include “gender-affirming care” which mutilates sexual parts to conform to a chosen “gender.” How much money will that take away from children’s, women’s and maternal health?

Moreover, how much will it stifle articles such as this one, which questions such a radical change of rights? That remains to be seen. Because a new effort to introduce a new “Equal Opportunities Bill”—funded by the EU—has arisen. Such “equality” laws don’t promote equality, but division by defining individuals by a single trait. They provide “opportunities” for foreign entities like the EU to impose their values on sovereign states.

Thank God, voters all over Europe are now electing parties and candidates with traditional values. They have slipped down the slippery slope far enough to want to call a halt to slippery, deceptive words. Let’s pray that they will find and again stand on the sure Word of God. “All other ground is sinking sand.”

Click here to see how to pray about this


ETG articles related to gender identity red flag:

Revival Waves vs. Woke Dogma—Which Will Prevail?

A Constitutional Republic? Which Way Will Belize Go?

EU Pushes LGBT Agenda on 79 Third-World Countries

Pro-LGBT Supreme Court Picks Threaten Constitutions


BPN articles related to gender identity red flag:

Notorious Pro-LGBT Bill Returns to Harass Belize

Caribbean Pastors Warn: Belize’s Pro-LGBT Ruling Threatens Democracy

Raising Standards in Belize- an Evangelical Manifesto

Declarations for Belize


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