Emergency Family Plan as Hurricane Season Peak Nears

By July 19, 2020July 22nd, 2020Current Events

emergency family planEMERGENCY FAMILY PLAN. We are nearing the Aug-Nov peak of the hurricane season. Thank God He has so often turned hurricanes away in answer to prayer!

But we cannot presume on His grace in the times to come, no matter where we are. Jesus warned us that in various places earthquakes, plagues, famines and terrors would strike (Lk. 21:11). This does not mean the end, but only “the beginning of birth pangs” (Mt. 24:8).

In response, we should both keep in prayer, and prepare. Thus NEMO (National Emergency Management Organization of Belize) has provided an Emergency Family Plan. It urges each family to:

·         Buy enough non-perishable food and water for at least three days—better, six weeks.

·         Put together a Family Emergency Kit with first aid & medical supplies, hygiene items, clothes, radio, flashlights, etc.

·         Seal all important documents in plastic bags and/or record them on flash drives.

·         Secure your property before you evacuate, in the event of a Category 3 or higher hurricane.

·         And so forth with several other precautions, all on one page.

Print out the Plan and put it on a wall or refrigerator. Better prepare now to be safe, instead of to be sorry later!

See Emergency Family Plan


Father God, You are Lord of the heavens and the earth and the sea and everything in them. You keep storms, plagues and shakings under Your command. But now we renew our call for your gracious protection. A locust swarm is sweeping over nearby Guatemala. Coronavirus keeps spreading on our continent and elsewhere. The height of hurricane season is approaching. And You said that plagues will come as birth pangs as we near the end. So we humble ourselves, pray, and seek Your face. We confess our wicked ways, and turn from them to You. Hear us, forgive us, and heal our land instead of sending more plagues. Show Your greatness and power, so that instead of struggling through plagues we may glorify Your grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.  

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