AI Reads Human Minds—Can It Be Used to Control Us?

AI reads human minds

AI READS HUMAN MINDS. A new AI-powered algorithm produced 1,000 photos from brain activity with 100% accuracy. Including a teddy bear and an airplane.

By using the Stable Diffusion model, Osaka University researchers showed four humans the photos. Instantly their own brains encoded the image and decoded semantic data from the image. Just as instantly, brain scans detected the blood flows that accompanied the brain activity.

Then the scans fed the AI software which decoded the image using the brain’s semantic perception. The AI software generated the image as static-like noise. Using pictures it was trained to detect, the software made a match with distinguishing features. And out popped a high-resolution reconstructed image very much like the original.

Whoever can get ahold of this Stable Diffusion Model (SDM) can read people’s minds to this extent. In that way they can gain power over people, knowing what they are thinking and using it against them.

That would push people to think only in pre-ordained approved ways. In other words, to let themselves be programmed by the SDM owner. Open AI now includes SDM in its DALL-E 2 system, which can produce images from any text input.

Musk denounces his own Frankenstein

Elon Musk co-founded Open AI in 2017, hoping it would lessen the threat that AI poses to humans. Now he calls AI not only a “deadly’ danger, but “one of the biggest risks to the future of civilization.” Musk denounces OpenAI as “a closed source, maximum-profit company effectively controlled by Microsoft. Not what I intended at all.”

Furthermore, Musk says Open AI tools like ChatGPT are “training AI to be woke.” So he has a team of AI researchers developing an alternative to ChatGPT.

Perhaps the world’s top free-speech advocate, Musk is becoming a freedom-of-thought advocate. Or we might call this a privacy-of-thought issue. The more tyrants know about our thoughts, the more they can influence and even control us. Pray that God won’t let them get that far.


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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