Crisis Ministry Webinar for Church Leaders

By May 18, 2020September 13th, 2020Current Events

CRISIS MINISTRY WEBINAR. At this Zoom webinar, dozens of Belize District church leaders learned how to help during disasters.  They received an overview of nationwide emergency operations. These included search & rescue, transport & evacuation, damage assessment & needs analysis. Also medical, mitigation, relief & supplies, and recovery & restoration of utilities.

So where can church leaders fit in? We can play an invaluable role as contact people in our communities. Not only in providing forms for neighbors filing for help. But in serving as helpers ourselves.

That means stocking our families and churches with food & supplies so we won’t need help. And finding alternative sources of power to operate our churches & communications.

Family & Church Disaster Plans

A family plan would include storage of essentials for stay-at-home crises, and portable kits for evacuation. Also how to safely re-enter a home and make it operational after a disaster.

Churches need a similar disaster plan. It should provide for the church to open ASAP as a base for community operations. Each church should ask, what has God given us? If we give some to others, and are faithful with the rest, He will give us more (Mt. 25:19-21). So we can give more to others.

We can easily find others to give to. Many people live in a state of emergency every day. The poor who live in a state of financial crisis need daily meals, but also more. They need to find work and develop good work habits, so they can not only survive but help others too. We should make this part of our discipleship programs.

Spiritual & Physical Crises

Those in spiritual crises need the power of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. We must ready ourselves to give a reason for the hope we have in all kinds of contacts with other. These range from brief encounters with the spiritually hungry, to long-term relationships. For the first, short testimonies and short gospel messages and tracts must do. For the second, prayer and progressive revelation of the Word and the Spirit will bring ongoing change.

Those in health crises need Dr. Jesus. Of course it takes faith to go to a stranger and say you have an invisible cure for a physical malady. But you can share a testimony of answered prayer for healing. If not your own, then an example from the Bible. And in fact most people will welcome prayer. Because it shows that you care. And you will be surprised at what God does when you invite Him into these situations. So don’t hesitate to offer prayer. The more God’s people move in divine healing prayer, the less hospital beds we’ll need during disasters.

Emotional Crises

Finally, those in emotional crises often need trauma counseling. People in trauma cannot think straight or act straight. And their past traumas will often trigger present ones. Also, some people experience constant trauma because they live in a crime area.

When a church group is serving a line of people with emergency food or supplies, a traumatized person may disrupt them at any time. Such a group should bring along at least one person who can step aside and counsel that person. He or she will need encouragement to connect with God and others who seek to help and not hurt.  them. Supportive relationships are essential to recovery. That’s what a loving church can provide.

The more we reach those who are suffering spiritual, physical and emotional emergencies now, the more God will use us to heal a nation in a state of emergency.


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Related sources for Crisis Ministry Webinar for Church Leaders:

NEMO Belize


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