Infinite Dignity vs. Gender Theory and Transgenderism

infinite dignity

INFINITE DIGNITY. Five years in the making, the Vatican’s new document “Infinite Dignity” takes issue with gender theory. It also takes aim at transgender surgery and surrogacy. Instead, it upholds the dignity of humans “created in the image and likeness of God and redeemed in Jesus Christ.”

Gender theory, it says, gives in to “the age-old temptation to make oneself God.” Instead, each of us should accept our God-given sexual identity with gratitude. Thus, “any sex-change intervention, as a rule, risks threatening the unique dignity” received from God.

Despite previous vague statements about same sex unions, the pope has often confronted gender theory. Already he has called it “one of the world’s “most dangerous ideological colonizations.”

Now this document says that gender theory “intends to deny the greatest possible difference that exists between living beings: sexual difference… not only the greatest imaginable difference but is also the most beautiful and most powerful of them.” The most powerful because it’s the source of a great miracle: “the arrival of new human beings in the world.”

Surrogacy turns birth mothers and children into mere objects

“Infinite Dignity” also goes to great lengths in criticizing surrogacy. In surrogacy, the “immensely worthy child becomes a mere object.” So does the mother. The “woman is detached from the child growing in her and becomes a mere means” for the “desire of others.” Moreover, surrogacy via in vitro fertilization involves artificial fertilization of multiple human embryos. Some of those embryos become perpetually frozen or are destroyed. God didn’t plan for one child to be born by sacrificing others.

Also the document addresses 14 other issues, such as war, sexual abuse, abortion and human trafficking. Such issues will receive more treatment in future documents.

Belize and other countries now developing “gender policies” should pause to consider these positions. Belize includes about 40% Catholics, plus 20% evangelicals who largely agree against gender theory. The world population includes about 18% Catholics and 8% evangelicals, together comprising 26%. Together with Christ, we should have an impact far beyond our numbers on global and national policies.

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Image by Victoria from Pixabay


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